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St. Herman of Alaska Church, in Langley, BC, is a parish of the Orthodox Church in America, Archdiocese of Canada, and has been worshipping in the BC Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley area since 1987.  Services are in the English language, with membership drawn from multiple language groups and ethnic backgrounds. The growing congregation is a continual influx  of all-ages converts and a little bit of a baby boom amongst members.


Are you interested in Orthodox Christianity?

Have you been to an Orthodox church before? 


Please download our leaflet with a brief bit about what to expect.

Contact Father Lawrence


I am new to Orthodox Christianity.
How do I prepare for my first Divine Liturgy at St Herman’s Parish?

When you attend, make sure you introduce yourself to the Rector.


Attending Divine Liturgy is primarily about experiencing the worship of the Orthodox Church and encountering God. It's an opportunity to participate in the rich liturgical tradition and connect with the faith community.


Take your time, be open to the experience, and allow yourself to immerse in the beauty of Orthodox worship.

I believe in Jesus. Can I receive Communion in the Orthodox Church?

Per the canons of the Church throughout history, only Orthodox Christians in good standing receive Communion at Orthodox Liturgies.


Members of the Orthodox church must be living a life consistent with the Orthodox faith, and also going to confession and attending  church regularly and frequently. We also prepare for Communion with prayer and by fasting from all food and drink from midnight beforehand.


You may notice members taking a sip of wine and piece of bread at the side table after communing. This bread and wine is NOT the sacrament but helps us to complete consuming the sacrament.


Someone may offer you a piece of this bread when they return to their places. This is not Communion, but simply a sign of hospitality to visitors.

I am a visiting Orthodox Christian. 
What must I do to receive Communion at this parish?

When you are coming to visit another Orthodox  parish, it is customary to contact the rector of the parish beforehand. 

Depending on circumstances, you may be asked to provide a letter from your own pastor stating that you are in good standing according to your own parish’s norms.  If you have not attended an Orthodox church anywhere for some time, you may need to provide proof of your baptism, and will also need to come to confession before receiving Communion.  


If you appear at the chalice without warning at a parish where you are not known, you may regrettably be refused Communion at that service. 

For further questions, please contact the Rectors

Mobile: 604-588-6166  



Mobile: 604-788-7546



Address: 7221 198B Street, Langley, British Columbia 

The church is located at the corner of 198B Street and 72 Avenue, one block west of 200 Street. Please come and join us there for worship!



6:30 pm - Vespers & Confessions


9:30 am - Matins & Church School 
10:00 am - Divine Liturgy, followed 
by coffee hour and instruction


 All services are in English


7221 198B Street

Langley, British Columbia

V2Y 1R9





Rector: Archpriest Gregory Wright
Rector Emeritus: Archpriest Lawrence Farley
Father Symeon Price
Deacon Theodore Matson

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© 2023 by Saint Herman of Alaska - Langley, British Columbia   |   For site inquiries please contact 

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