6:30 PM - Weekday services followed by confessions
Monday & Tuesday are shorter services and therefore preferred times to come for confession if possible.
Please NO CONFESSIONS on Holy Saturday
MONDAY April 29 | Bridegroom Matins |
TUESDAY April 30 | Bridegroom Matins |
WEDNESDAY May 1 | PreSanctified Liturgy. Fast from mid-day |
THURSDAY May 2 | Twelve Gospel Readings |
FRIDAY May 3 | Service of the Shroud |
SATURDAY May 4 - Paschal Services
9:00 AM Baptismal Liturgy. Attendees please bring bread & fruit to eat afterward
You may want to take a nap this afternoon before coming to the Paschal services! Prepare your Paschal basket with festal foods and decorate if you wish! Fasting: from late afternoon or earlier if you have the strength. Communion will not happen till a couple of hours past midnight.
11:30 PM PASCHAL SERVICE, Procession and Liturgy. Long late night/early morning services! Bring blankets for sleepy kids. Following Liturgy, our Paschal baskets will be blessed and we will feast on this food.
Please pitch in with any cleanup needed (especially those without small children) then go home in the wee hours and take a nap before bringing festal food to share at the Barbecue!
SUNDAY May 5 - No morning service
Followed by barbecue, egg hunt and FUN!
Bring food to share, blankets, lawn chairs etc. Help clean up, then go home and SLEEP!
Please note Fr. Lawrence & Mat Donna will be off until next Saturday Vespers May 11.
